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Photo book "Private Stock 1.5"

5,000 JPY

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"Private Stock 1.5"は、Ojitoole Photo Works そしてRicccoの2作目の写真集です。 ≪"Private Stock 1.5" is Ojitoole Photo Works and Riccco's second photobook≫ 【写真集の仕様】 Photobook specifications A4サイズ・本文ページ96P表紙裏表紙4P合計100P 210×297size/96P + front cover back cover 4P = 100P in total 【About overseas shipping】 Due to the influence of covid-19, it is not possible to track luggage in the following areas. U.S. and Canada.(Can be shipped by airmail) Due to Russian and Ukrainian issues, shipping to the following areas may take some time,Only sea mail is possible. U.K and India In other areas, it may be difficult to ship due to changes in the situation. Or the shipping method may change. If you are unsure about shipping charges or availability to your country, please contact me. 【掲載写真について】 About photos to be posted 2018年8月から2022年8月までの間に撮影した写真・前作の"Private Stock 1.0"に掲載していない写真の中から選択。 The photos used in this photobook are those taken between August 2018 and August 2022, and those not listed in the previous work "Private Stock 1.0". 【今後の予定】 Plan 2022年8月初旬まで撮影および写真集印刷データ制作 8月中旬から下旬にデータ仕上げ、印刷業者へデータ入稿 9月初旬に写真集入荷・検品/写真展の準備 9月中旬から下旬に発送手続き開始 10月中旬から下旬頃に広島にて写真展開催予定(日程調整中・1日~2日程度開催) Shooting until early August 2022 and creating print data for photobooks Data submission to printing companies from mid-August to late August Arrival and inspection of photobooks in early September, preparation for photo exhibition Shipping procedures begin from mid-September to late September The photo exhibition will be held in Hiroshima in mid-October or late October. (Schedule is being adjusted) 【写真集制作の経緯】 About photobook production こんにちは。今回2度目の写真集制作をおこなう元岡秀文と申します。 初めての写真集制作・個展開催を目指したクラウドファンディングから早いもので2年が経過しました。 Hello. I'm Hidefumi Motooka ojitoole, who produces the second photobook of Riccco. Two years have passed since crowdfunding, which aimed to produce the first photobook and hold a solo exhibition. この2年間ずっと”次の写真集・写真展をいつ作ろう?”と悩んでいました。 コロナウィルスを気にするあまり撮影に億劫な時もありました。 昨年Ricccoが、体調を崩しました。 そして僕も元気といえる状態ではなくなりました。 写真集の告知やSNSの更新も滞ってしまいました。 まるで先の見えない長いトンネルの中をゆっくり歩いている気分でした。 For the past two years, I was worried about "when should I make the next photobook / photo exhibition?" The reason was that I was afraid of the coronavirus, and I was afraid to take pictures. Last year Riccco wasn't feeling very well. I wasn't feeling well. Therefore, the announcement of the photobook and the update of SNS were delayed. It felt like walking slowly through a long, blind tunnel. そんな状態で参加したのが4人のカメラマンと4人のポートレートモデルで3月末に開催した合同写真展「F展」。 3日間の在廊期間中に出店メンバーや来場者の方たちとたくさん「写真に関するお話」ができました。 最近写真を始めた人、これから写真を始めたい人、写真に悩みを持ってる人、風景を撮ってる人、フィルム時代からやってる人、写真をやっていない人、色んな方の写真に対する気持ちに触れることが出来たんです。 In such a situation, four photographers and four portrait models participated in the joint photo exhibition "F Exhibition" held at the end of March. During the three-day stay in the hall, I was able to talk a lot about photography with the members and visitors. People who have recently started photography, those who want to start photography, those who have trouble with photography, those who are taking landscapes, those who have been doing since the film era, those who have not done photography, touch the feelings for photography I was able to do it. とても熱気を感じる写真展でした。 心の底から”やってよかった””ありがとう”の気持ちが湧いてくるのがわかりました。 写真の力って凄いな、写真が好きって気持ちがこの熱気を産んだんだな。 そう感じました。 It was a very exciting photo exhibition. From the bottom of my heart, I found that the feelings of "I'm glad I did it" and "Thank you" came up. The power of photography is amazing, and the feeling that I like photography gave birth to this excitement. I felt that way. より一層写真が好きになったんです。 だから写真集を作りたいんです。 だから写真展やりたいんです。 もう一度皆さんとお話したいんです。 I became even more fond of photography. That's why I want to make a photo book. That's why I want to do a photo exhibition. I want to talk to you again. 僕が好きな写真はきっと僕にしか撮れない。 この言葉を信じて制作に勤しみますので写真集”Private Stock 1.5"を何卒よろしくお願いします。 I'm sure only I can take the pictures I like. I believe this word and will work on the production, so please wait for the completion of the photo book "Private Stock 1.5". Please wait until the photobook arrives at you. Ricccoの自然体・不自然体を楽しめる写真集になります。 This is a photo book where you can enjoy Ricco's natural and unnatural expressions.

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